"It takes months to find a customer but only seconds to lose one." This quote holds for any business. Customer service is an integral part of your company's revenue-generating process. Study shows that 90%...
In an era of technology, businesses and schools around the world still rely on good, old-fashioned presentations. It not only condenses the report into digestible pieces, but it also helps assess the public speaking skills of the...
As people get increasingly busy with their daily lives, the popularity of mobile businesses rises. It’s much easier to have someone come to you to wash your car, groom your dog, or give you a massage. There’s also an aspect...
Everywhere you look, you find evidence that cyber attacks on businesses are on the rise. While the vast majority of these attacks are passive, some black-hat hackers are launching massive and powerful attacks on specific organizations. Unfortunately, this means that...
Whether we like to admit it or not, first impressions make a huge difference, and aesthetics play a big part in this. While neatly quaffed hair and pristine, straight teeth aren’t a requirement for good business, they...
From the earliest days when women first started working, gender discrimination has been one of their biggest obstacles. Whether this involved failing to be paid equally with men, being passed over for promotions into management, or not...
Owning or running a business is hard work, but well worth the reward. There’s a reason so many people aspire to own a business or strive for management positions. It’s where folks can make some serious dollars...
According to, the Indian food and grocery market is the world’s sixth largest. The Indian gourmet market is valued at USD 1.3 billion and is growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) or 20%. Experts claim that...
If there is one thing every business needs, it is a reliable way to handle payments. At one time, the payment process involved great amounts of paper, currency at the cash register or bank checks in the...