Some utilities constitute our utility bills and we cannot simply survive without these basic commodities. Thinking of the term utility, the first things that pop in our heads are surely electricity, water, gas, mobile, internet, and yes,...
As a SaaS startup, understanding the value of your business is crucial for strategic decision-making and attracting potential investors. Assessing your company's value involves analyzing various key metrics that provide insights into revenue, growth potential, and market...
uTorrent 2.2.1 is a lightweight BitTorrent client which allows you to exchange files and download torrent files at high speed. It is one of the best tools for managing different types of file downloads. uTorrent facilitates peer...
Stories of companies crippled by ransomware intrusions dominate headlines. Still, for someone who never experienced a cyber attack, it’s hard to understand the extent to which it can damage an organisation.  Ransomware attackers developed...
Are you a travelholic? Then I am sure besides the adventure part. You love to travel and click shots. But all this fun can transform into a daunting experience if you don't organize them correctly on your...
With advanced computer systems becoming harder to get hold of, perhaps you’re looking to downsize or find a more affordable program for your own product line.  Look no further: the Raspberry Pi could help.
1. Keep a Close Eye on Personal Devices Employees working from home typically use their own devices. Unfortunately, these devices are usually less secure than workplace-issued devices; software may not be regularly updated, security...
Investment isn’t an easy task by any means. The market is volatile, the stakes are high, and the challenges numerous. However, there are many tips to lessen your stress and take advantage of the stock market. Read...
A firewall is a system that monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. Firewalls are usually deployed at the perimeter of an organisation’s network. The firewall's goal...