Title is crucial to the buyer as a clear title will allow him or her an unrestricted use of the property he or she is going to buy with his or her life-saving. Cost of the property can be very...
Many people get into property investment to make a large profit. Still, it is important to understand that you will need to understand what a valuation is and how they are calculated to make any money at all. A...
Whether you’re a foreigner looking to move to Cyprus or a local considering a move from the larger towns, Paphos has a lot to offer. In fact, searching for property for sale in Paphos has always been popular and...
Real estate can be a great way to make money, but like most investment types, it does require extensive planning and research. From reviewing current markets to obtaining insurance and finding reliable tenants, the process is understandably overwhelming. However,...
Ever come across this term - Distressed Property? The focus of this post is to explain what this term means and by availing the services of the online real estate rescue program introduced later, anyone looking to invest in...
Property owners who want to build a home that is unique and doesn't fit into a standard or traditional mold consider limestone. The product is easy to acquire and use in construction applications. In fact, builders have used it for...
What is a land trust? Regardless of it being around for close to a century now, people continue to question what it stands for. Ironically, you may have been into it and perhaps been exploited due to your naivety.  A...
As a real estate developer, investing in senior living facilities could be your best decision. Not only because there is a rise in demand for luxury senior living, but also because it’s associated with social work.  In a world where...
Landlords sure get a bad rap these days. Many tenants accuse them of being ruthless, money-hungry “slumlords”. The truth is there are probably plenty of those, but there are also plenty of great landlords who are simply looking to...