Do you have an interest in Instagram but are not exactly sure how to create a profile that is going to help you reach an entirely new group of people that would love to know about your business? It is not very hard to get started, but you should be aware of certain tips that could get you much further at a faster pace.
For example, if you already have a Twitter account for your business, use your Twitter handle as your handle for your Instagram account, too. You should have a profile image that is a good representation of your business and brand.
According to VoyMedia, it is really simple to connect your Instagram with other social media accounts to make followers aware of the new account that has been created. Once you have your account and are ready to begin posting, you can take certain steps to build more of a following.

Understand How to Use the Social Site
Tons of business owners have created Instagram accounts because they want to take advantage of the social media platform and all that it has to offer them. Newcomers have easily been able to find good information on blogs dedicated strictly to those looking to use Instagram ads for business-related reasons.
Use a Combination of Photos
Try to tell a story with the images you are posting on your Instagram account. It is good to use a combination of business-related images with other images that are simply fun and entertaining. Most people love animals, so if you have a pet, you can use your pet as your brand ambassador.
People would love to look at images of your pup wearing a cute t-shirt with the name of your business on it. They might even share the photo with their friends just because they love animals.
Start Building Your Following
You cannot do much with Instagram if you do not have followers paying attention to what you are posting. However, there are ways to get followers at a steady pace. Connect with those that are already following you on other social sites, and use hashtags when posting images to increase your visibility on Instagram.
If someone follows you, try to give them a follow back. You can engage with them to get even more followers by liking some of the photos they post and even adding a comment or two on a few posts here and there. It shows that you are willing to engage with your followers and are just as supportive of them as you would like them to be for you.
Post Some Short Videos
Instagram offers a convenient feature that allows you to post short videos at your convenience. You can edit and upload these videos to your liking and then post them on Instagram as well as on Facebook and your personal business website. It is a great way to put your brand out there a bit more while making sure people know that you are on Instagram and they can follow you if they would like to.
Create a Posting Schedule
You should post regularly but that does not necessarily mean you need to post every day. In fact, you can get away with posting content twice or three times a week. Come up with a schedule based on the feedback and engagement you get from your followers. If you notice they are more active at certain times and on specific days, those are the best days for you to start posting your content.
Use Apps That Can Come in Handy
Many people use video editing apps, such as Boomerang, when posting videos and other content on Instagram. You can use other fun apps to add special effects to the content that you are posting. It sets your content apart and gets people more interested in what you are posting. In fact, it could even help you get more shares.
You can use Instagram regularly to connect with consumers and get more business in general. It is a competitive world out there, but you can use the social site to engage with consumers and keep them updated on everything you have to offer.