Our personalities can impact a lot of aspects of our lives; friendships, extra-curricular activities, skills, and more. They are shaped throughout our childhoods and well into adulthood, and they can change a lot as you grow and learn.
But your personality can also tell you a lot about yourself; for one, it can be a good indicator of what type of career you would be best suited to. You might be wondering how your personality can affect your career ambitions and prospects.
Well, this article aims to explain exactly that. It’s going to give you some tips and tricks to help you find a career that is perfect for you and your personality traits. So if you want to find out more, make sure to read the whole thing.
What Is Your Personality?
Personality traits are basically characteristics that describe your personality.
As we grow and develop, our personalities are shaped and molded by a lot of different things, including our parents, our teachers, our friends, and more.
These things can influence our personalities in a variety of ways, from how we act to how we think and feel. They can also influence what type of job we want to do, as they can all have an impact on whether or not you will be suited to a certain kind of work.
So how do you know what your personality is? Well, as I mentioned, your personality is shaped by a wide variety of things.
One of the best ways to find out what your personality is is to take a personality test. There are a lot of them available online, and you can take them for free.
These tests can help you to understand a lot more about your personality. They can also help you to understand what kind of career you would be best suited to.
But before we get into that, let’s take a look at some of the most common personality traits that you might have.
The Big Five Personality Traits
There are a lot of different personality tests out there.
They all measure different things, and they use different methods to do so. But there are five main personality traits that are measured by a lot of them.
These are, in no particular order, introversion, extroversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.
Let’s take a look at each of these in turn, and see what they mean.
Introversion is when a person prefers to be alone, or at least not with a lot of people.
They can be loud and outgoing in the right situation, but they prefer to spend their time with a small group of close friends, rather than a large group of people.
Extroversion is the opposite of introversion.
People who are extroverted prefer to be around a lot of people. They like to talk to people and to make new friends, and they often, although not always, enjoy spending time with a lot of people.
Openness is the level of intellectual curiosity that a person has.
People who are open to new things are more likely to enjoy spending time learning and trying new things, and they are also more likely to take up a job that involves these kinds of activities.
Agreeableness is the level of kindness, and empathy a person has.
A person who is high in this trait is likely to be very friendly and caring, and they are also likely to enjoy working with people and helping others out. You can see by the ESFJ meaning that this trait suits this specific type of personality.
Conscientiousness is a person’s level of dedication to their job.
People who are high on this trait are more likely to take their work seriously, and to dedicate a lot of time and effort to it.
What Jobs Are Suited to Each Trait?
Now that you know a little bit more about your personality and how it works, let’s take a look at how each trait can affect your career prospects.

People who are open to new things are more likely to enjoy being creative, and they are also more likely to enjoy pursuing a career in the arts.
They also tend to be more open to taking risks, which can also be a good thing when it comes to finding a career.
This type of career is a good option if you have a lot of extra time on your hands, as they often require a lot of dedication.
People who are high on the conscientiousness scale tend to enjoy working a lot.
They are likely to be very dedicated and hard-working, and this can really help to get them to the top.
This is a great trait for someone who is looking for a career that they can really invest themselves in. For this reason, careers in management might be a good choice.
If you are high on the agreeableness scale, then you are generally very friendly and caring.
This can be a good thing if you are looking for a career in a creative field, like writing.
You might also be interested in a career in social work, or in any kind of work that involves working with people.
People who are introverts might be more interested in careers that are creative, as they are likely to enjoy spending time on their own.
This means that careers in writing, or in the arts in general, could be a good choice for this type of person.
They might also like careers in management, as they are likely to enjoy working alone.
People who are extroverts are likely to want to be around others a lot.
For this reason, careers in management, or in sales and marketing, might be a good option for them.
They might also be interested in a career in business, as they are likely to enjoy working around other people.
As you can see, your personality can actually affect your career prospects in a big way.
It can help you to understand which kind of career might be the best choice for you.
But it can also help you to understand which careers you should avoid. For example, if you are a very introverted person, then you might not enjoy working in management.
In fact, it might be a little stressful for you.
So if you want to find the perfect career for you, then you should definitely take some time to find out a little more about your personality traits.
By doing this, you can find a career that is perfect for you, and that you are likely to enjoy.
This can be a great way to set yourself up for a successful career, and to ensure that you are as happy and successful as possible.