Your packaging is one of the best ways to get your customers to interact with your brand. Most people believe that advertisement is the best way to make people aware of the brand, but the truth is, your packaging will play just as big of a part as advertising or any other marketing activity. A study conducted by IPSOS found that 72% of American consumers will be influenced to buy a product based on the product packaging design.

While the packaging design is often left on the back burner, it can play a huge part in consumer buying behavior. This article will discuss the top 3 reasons brands should focus on packaging and its benefits.

Importance Of Packaging To Boost Your Brand

According to business reports, 30% of organizations saw an increase in revenue after improving their product packaging. The product packaging covers several purposes and should be looked into further by the brand. A product packaging offers:

  1. Protection: The primary purpose of your packaging is to protect your product. Above all else, it is a way to preserve your product and get it to your consumer from storage, through transit, and in their possession.
  2. Attraction: The secondary purpose of packaging has to do with standing out. Your packaging needs to be attractive enough to stand out between the similar brands that it is placed with on the shelves.
  3. Information: Packaging can be a great way to offer information to the consumer on the product and how to use it. It can also have other details such as expiration date, ingredients, etc. This information can play a part in the consumer buying decision.
  4. Differentiation: Your product will be similar to several other products in the market. Your product packaging can help you differentiate your product from other brands. This can be done through color schemes, logos, etc.

Reasons Why You Need To Improve Your Packaging To Boost Brands

Let’s explore some of the top motives for focusing on the aesthetics of your product packaging.

It Gives A Strong First Impression

Packaging is all about first impressions, and when you are competing in a sea of similar products, your packaging needs to do the job of standing out on the shelves of a store. Packaging design will help you differentiate your product from the competition in the market, whether on the shelves of physical stores or the webpages of an eCommerce website. Your packaging is your first chance to win the consumer over and introduce them to your brand. 

Retaining the customer will rely on your product quality and other factors. Focusing on the packaging is important because you risk being outclassed by your competition without the proper branding. Furthermore, since it is the first impression, your brand will have just as good a chance of selling as any big brand.

Creates and supports brand identity

Every brand has a story that they use to create their identity. One of the best ways to emphasize brand identity is by making a stunning packaging design. Since your packaging is the first thing your consumer sees, it is paramount that your package design does justice to your brand story. Some of the main aspects you need to have on your packaging include your company logo, use of fonts in line with your branding, brand color scheme, and trademarks associated with your brand. This will allow consumers to recognize your products anywhere.

Communicates with customers

It would be best to start communicating with your audience, and your brand packaging can be a great way to do it. The packaging design should stand out and be informative, so customers know what they are buying. The information on your packaging can be a great way to talk to your customer and convince them to buy your product. Good packaging design needs to be able to answer the following questions:

  • Who is the product created for?
  • What is the product used for?
  • Where can you learn more about the manufacturer?
  • When does the product expire?
  • How will this product improve the consumers’ lives?

Benefits of Strong Brand Packaging

Putting time and effort into your brand packaging is essential for a successful brand. Research indicated that 50% of consumers have switched to a new brand because of the packaging. Several benefits are associated with improved packaging. These include:

  1. Reinforcement of the brand and its story in the eyes of the consumer
  2. Protects your product by offering the right balance of form and function which will appeal to the consumer
  3. According to a study, 40% of consumers will post photos on their social media of products with branded packaging, improving your social media presence
  4. The quality of your package design reflects your product quality. Consumers will automatically assume a product is of high quality if they see strong packaging
  5. Your packaging can help you build an emotional connection with your target market, urging them to purchase your product over the competition

Wrapping up

Packaging is a critical ingredient in building a brand. Most brands don’t consider packaging as a big deal, but the fact is that the packaging plays a huge role. If we talk about packaging at a functional value, 67% of American consumers prefer paperboard packaging over other materials. This is merely the material used for packaging. Other factors such as the color scheme, uniqueness, and information that packaging offers all improve your brand.

We are in an era where consumer goods have skyrocketed, and if you enter a market, you will face immense competition. With good packaging, you can cement your place in the market and help your product grow. While all other marketing activities are just as important, brand packaging should not be considered as something you can leave behind.

If you are looking for good packaging that stands out, Polypouch can help you get amazing packaging pouches designed specifically for your brand. Visit Polypouch today and learn how packaging your product can help you.


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