Recovering from an injury requires a lot of physical resilience and work, but it is an emotional strain as well. An injury can leave you incapable of completing everyday tasks and depending on the severity, you may be forced to take some time off of work. Being out of work can create immense stress, especially if you are unable to receive workers compensation. Not only are you dealing with a financial burden, but the massive change to your routine can increase your stress levels. 

If you are experiencing high levels of stress during your recovery, there are ways to come to terms with your situation and reduce those negative feelings. An injury is usually unexpected, and can feel like an unjustified punishment for someone who is regularly active and able.

In some cases, it can lead to feelings of deep sadness and depression, so reducing your stress and coming to terms with the situation from the start is very important for your overall well-being. 

Learn About Your Injury

Understanding the details of your injury will help you feel more in control of the situation. It can be scary to feel like the situation is completely out of your hands, so talking to your doctor and learning about your injury will create a sense of involvement that goes beyond just being a patient. When you know details about what to expect in the future, you can begin preparing yourself for what is to come. 

Ask your doctor to explain the kind of injury you have, as well as how long the recovery is going to take. For instance, if you get into a car accident, there can be many injuries such as upper extremity, swelling, major bruising, or sensitivity. As per the expert advice stated on, in case of severe injury you need dedicated treatment for a speedy recovery

You should also ask about the purpose of the treatment you are receiving, this way you do not feel like you’re blindly following whatever the doctor says. Understanding the purpose of your medications, rehabilitation, and physical therapy will also help you feel like you are making progress, because you will know how each step leads to your full recovery. 

Accept Your Current Situation

Your injury is not your fault, however, it is crucial to find acceptance in the fact that you cannot change what has happened and understand that you will recover with time. Depending on your injury, it could be either a quick or long process, but whatever the timeline of your recovery is you have to accept that this part is unavoidable. 

By accepting that your recovery will take a certain period of time, you can reduce your stress about all of the things you will miss out on. Instead of wishing you could go back to work right now or join your friends for activities, you must find acceptance in the fact that you cannot change your injury. 

Get Help From Those Around You

One of the best ways to reduce the stress of your injury is to ask for help from the people in your life. Trying to do everything on your own will only add to your stress and increase feelings of helplessness and failure. Instead of trying to manage tasks that you know you will have trouble with, ask someone to help you. 

If no one in your life has time to give you a hand with a few things, there are plenty of home care services available. These companies will send someone to your home to help you with whatever tasks you need assistance with. 

Prioritize Your Health and Fitness

While dealing with the stress of your injury, it can be easy to use your status to avoid keeping up with your physical fitness. Depending on your injury, there are lots of options that get your body moving without compromising your recovery. Oftentimes doctors will encourage movement and exercise, even working out your injury, to move your recovery along. 

Exercise is a great stress relief for anyone, and when you are dealing with an injury and reduced mobility, getting in the exercise that you are capable of will feel extremely rewarding. 

Set Realistic Goals

Setting goals that are achievable will help you visualize the timeline of your recovery. It can be overwhelming to look at the entirety of your recovery at once, but breaking it up into smaller goals will make it much more manageable. 

A lot of your stress will come from feeling like normalcy is so far away. When you set realistic goals, you will feel much better about your progress. 

About the author: 

Jenn Walker is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beach goer operating out of Southern New Jersey. 


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