The idea of bringing dating out of the online world, thus expanding the possibilities for users to find their ideal partner, is becoming more and more popular with Internet entrepreneurs. Not so long ago, you may have heard about it – the unusual concept of the Speedrenting matchmaking site came up. It is a mixture of a marriage agency and a website. The company organizes special dating parties in the pubs of Auckland and Wellington for its registered users. There are other companies that do such a thing, like. Be sure to check it out.
According to research firm IBISWorld, dating services in the US will be a $3 billion a year business in 2018
At such parties, users of the marriage site get the opportunity to choose a candidate for their personal acquaintance by exchanging a special PIN code, which is provided to each party participant. If the desires of both partners coincide, the site administration gives the participants phone numbers for further communication with each other.
The new matchmaking site FlipMe came up with a similar concept but with a small difference. They have issued a personal ID card which registered users can give out to potential dates.
And you can share these dating cards absolutely everywhere: on the street, in a park, shop, cafe, etc., and not only to registered FlipMe users. There is not only an identification number on the card where you can find a user profile, but also an original message similar to the following “It is better to get acquainted than to never know what will come of it. Contact me through the FlipMe website. Who knows how this will end…”
If the person who received the dating card is already a user of the FlipMe dating site, then he receives direct contact with the person, who presented them with the card, as well as the possibility of secure and private communication with them. If the dating card is received by an ordinary person that has not yet registered on the FlipMe dating site, then they get the opportunity to send a message to this user for free.
After all, membership on the FlipMe dating site is paid and costs $24.99 for three months of use. This price includes 30 dating cards. While we are at it, check out this FREE dating site. It suits the needs of people who want to find that one true love in their life.
Positioning and target audience
The main bet should be made on the fact that these will be meetings of real people in real time that create a worthwhile alternative to online dating and social networks. Target potential consumers are young and successful people who do not have time for an online chat which often lasts for years without any results. Unfortunately, age is likely to be limited, or age groups will be created. Firstly, due to the fact that a younger audience is unlikely to want to pay for dating, and the motley contingent simply cannot find places of contact.
Resources and costs
The main item of expenditure will be the rent of a room or a cafe/restaurant, and so on. As well as the costs of attracting an audience (how else will millions know about you?). This can be done in a social network, via ads, or, if there is no large start-up capital, via “word of mouth.” At the first stages, with the right approach, it will be able to gain an appropriate basis for the first meetings.
The value of this interesting concept of the FlipMe dating site is that with this approach, the number of potential users of the site expands significantly, and advertising costs are reduced. On the other hand, contact with a potential customer is greatly simplified. Check out this website to learn a few things about how things are done properly in this industry.
I mean, this way of using advertising is logical, great, and interesting. It even feels unique and mysterious; it’s like some sort of a secret club, and you can become a member of it. The only thing it takes is to make a person interested in spreading the ad themselves. And other than that, it is an interesting concept, no matter how you use it; it’s a self-spreadable advertisement.