Generally, most enterprises think they are too small for hackers to target them. They imagine how a hacker will get hold of the digital footprints of small-scale companies and startups with few IP addresses. Well, regardless of the size of the organization, there is always a vulnerability to ransomware attacks

As a huge range of ransomware attacks destroy RDP, the answer is quite clear. If you are utilizing an ‘unprotected’ RDP, you are going to be an active target.  You can choose USA RDP with BTC  and see your organization securing remote access to your remote desktop effectively. 

What is the root cause of the attack?

Well, RDP is a top technology used to connect remote systems. Usually, it is considered a safe and secure tool. However, this is only applicable when used inside a private network. The problem arises when RDPs are left unprotected. 

When you leave RDP ports open on the web, they become easily accessible with random simple passwords leading to crucial security problems. Passwords can easily be cracked creating a path for any unauthorized and malicious attacks and access to enter the systems through unprotected RDPs. Unauthorized entries through unprotected RDPs enables attackers to obtain access to vital corporate servers. 

That said, innumerable computers are having their RDP ports left unprotected on the web. This leads the RDP to become a big attack vector to all kinds of unpleasant cyber activities and elevated ransomware attacks. 

Those criminals who look forward to destroying these access points can easily get them on the RDP markets. Therein, they seek weaker passwords. Once the attacker obtains clear access to their target system, they start working on turning the network as unprotected and insecure as possible. Thereafter, criminals deploy keyloggers, install ransomware, steal confidential and sensitive data, distribute spam, and install backdoors for their next attacks. 

Best practices to protect your RDP access from ransomware attacks

As stated above, RDPs are access points to enter corporate networks. Hence, it must not be displayed on the web unprotected or even protected. 

One way to protect RDP from ransomware is by turning off the RDP while not in use. By this, you can minimize the potential of hackers to acquire control over your device. Although it is generally recommended not to use RDP, for companies that need RDP, below are the best practices that focus on securing the access points and RDPs against all force attacks. 

  • Refrain from publishing unprotected RDP: In case it is necessary to post, ensure that the access point of RDP is secured with MFA(multi-factor authentication). This allows validated users to get into the RDP thereby refraining invalid access. 
  • RDP Gateways: RDPs must be protected way more than reverse proxy gateways to blur the standard RDP port 3389. Usually, RDP gateways are retrieved over HTTPS connections(port 443) secured via TLS encryption protocol. 
  • Make use of MFA to enter the RDP Gateway: Bear in mind, even the strongest of passwords can easily be cracked. Here, MFA provides an additional layer of protection that asks users to go through at least 2 forms of the authentication process to log into the RDP Session. That much security is enough! 
  • Restrict RDP access: For better protection, you can restrict access by asking for a VPN to enter RDP. Keep in mind to change the default port number. Access must be allowed to a select whitelist of IP ranges along with lockout provisions so that every time a brute force attempt is triggered, the admins get an alert. 
  • 2FA: The massive amount of corporate ransomware attacks can be refrained by allowing two-factor authentication on all remote sessions and remote accounts.
  • Alternative solutions and endpoints: Currently, endpoint solutions hold the capability to indicate an abnormality in network usage thereby stopping them before any potential damage. In addition, a vast range of new products provide alternatives for remote access that are relatively safer than RDP. 
  • Minimum privilege: Users that don’t require servicing significant internal services must not have access. Hence, double-check with your employees and permissions. Additionally, look if the employees own minimal or least access required to complete their work. Moreover, accounts that can probably enter crucial systems including backups, must have a two-factor authorization on them. 
  • Recovery of disaster: In case RDP configurations become compromised, it becomes a crucial state that the BCDR plans of a company get codified and updated. Additionally, backup systems must have updated on-site and off-site versions of each or any critical data. 

What is the difference between a Windows Virtual Private Server and a Remote Desktop Connection Server?

The truth is that there is no difference between these two services in terms of hardware resource allocation. Our Windows VPS servers are configured to run the Windows Server version (Windows Server 2012, 2016, or 2019), however if you use an RDP server, you may choose the Windows Client version to use ( Windows 7, 8.1, 10). Additionally, RDP Server includes an optimized operating system as well as certain pre-installed applications such as Firefox, Chrome, Winrar, PDF reader, and others.


Although it is unpredictable sometimes to get track of possible attacks, it is always best to know the ways to protect and prevent them. Moreover, connecting with a safe and trusted team of professionals can assist you in protecting your business environment.


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